Monday, December 8, 2014

How about this perspective?

"Homosexuals are an oppressed people. Poor gays. So sad. I feel so sorry for them." 
No. Stop it right there. Do not feel sorry for someone based on their sexuality. The same applies to skin color. Pity can be insulting in my opinion. 
I honestly feel that those who criticize, judge, bash and otherwise belittle homosexuals are the oppressed party. They have no idea. These people were raised to be the way they are, whereas homosexuals are simply born as they are. It takes a truly ignorant person to truly persecute an individual based on a personal characteristic such as sexuality. The ones who think they are right for attacking innocent people are the ones who we should feel sorry for. Ex-gay therapy is a load of you-know-what, but where is the homophobia therapy? This is an issue. As a society we are so quick to fix what is against the "norm," but  as long as the violence and abuse is justified by someone's morals, then it's all okay. Where are we at, world? Youth - we are the movement, the power, the drive and the force that is to be reckoned with.  Don't feel bad for your gay neighbor, but do feel bad for your homophobic neighbor.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Woman

So last night I went to the laundromat and did a bit of laundry. While there I noticed quite a few people  who remained static. I wondered; were they homeless? Well, turns out I left my bag somewhere along the path. I went to check there (to no avail) after work tonight and I saw the same woman. She was perfectly content just doing a crossword. Same fast food chain cup filled with an unidentified drink and in the same place as the previous night. Although the last time I saw her she was sleeping uncomfortably. Perhaps she just wears a lot of clothes and needs to wash them often, or maybe she is homeless. Maybe I will see this woman again. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

"F**k it, I'm young."

How much is the rush of misinterpreted social media "fame" worth? How much is that DUI worth? You can't justify irresponsibility with age. I can recall no time growing up that they told me, "between the ages of 18-25 you can do whatever you want... because you're young." Perhaps a warning was given, but not permission to jeopardize everything that you have worked towards. Every keystroke that you post on social media is there for the taking. Every scandalous photo you post is there for the blackmailing. People are cruel, and even more cruel are the institutions that dig for these hidden secrets. Would you employ a psychologist, or even train one, if you knew that they just had mountains of secrets stacked behind them? These things may seem so irrelevant now, but in the future be wary of your past. Think now with the future in mind.
All that you have is your future; all you have is forward. Do not put the brakes on now. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Be you.

When I used to look in the mirror I only ever saw what others wanted me to be. I tried so hard to fit the mold. Yes I will always worry about what others think of me, but only to a healthy extent. It's okay to worry about what you look like. If you aren't confident with your own presence, then others will feel that lack of confidence and zone in on it. Don't let yourself be priced by others. Only you can name a price for yourself, and for me I'd rather not have a price. I don't care to be remembered for how I tried to look. I'd rather be remembered for something with more substance; I want to be remembered for me. Do you see what you want when you look in the mirror?
Express yourself in the way you look, and do not let others and their ideas/expressions have an effect on your self-worth. Make a real-life signature. Leave every person that you encounter with an imprint of your glowing and beautiful personality.
I guess what I'm trying to say is to always remember that only YOU can decide who YOU are. No other being in this universe can make a decision for you, and they definitely cannot construct an idea in your mind of who you should be. It's so easy to fall victim to criticisms in a terrible way.  Keep your self-expression steadfast, and you will find that you reap something so much more rewarding from life. Not only will you reap an overwhelming feeling of being whole, but you will sow that beautiful idea in others. The only one who can truly behold your beauty is you, and that is more than you will ever need.

You are beautiful. Be you always and forever.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

If it's hot...

There's a few things that have always stumped me, but the one that always gets me is why we are constantly going against the grain. What's so pleasing to us? Could it be the pleasure of satisfying curiosity? Chancing pain when we could stay content where we are. 
Our whole lives we are told not to smoke, do drugs or fall for those people. We are taught fire is hot, ice is cold and water is wet. The whole time we listen, but when the time comes we reach right into the flames. After being taught so many lessons we still seem to find pain. No matter what form we seek it out. Do we do these things simply because we can't stand to be stagnant? 
Eventually, however, we all learn the final lesson. I guess it's the straw that breaks the camels back. We finally realize that at some point we have to accept that curiosity and desire are frivolous. To satisfy one or the other could mean risking everything, and it may not always be worth it. Only if the outcome is guaranteed can you be for sure you'll make it out safely. 
My point is pretty simple; if it looks hot, then don't touch it. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

i could never hate you. or anyone.

After everything that I've been put through, and after everything I put you through, I could never hate you. Any of you. I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past and the people that are left there. I don't regret many of the people I left there and I don't hate anyone that left me there. We all change and move different directions in our lives, and just because you went somewhere else in life doesn't mean I have to hate you. I take back every "I hate you." that has come out of my mouth up until now. I hate what happened with what we had. I hate what you did, and I hate what I did. I've realized that I could never hate anyone. Everyone has their own struggles in life and it's selfish of me to ignore that and say that I hate someone. Why do we as people ignore the fact that people have their own problems? 
I forgive you. 
I forgive everyone.
I apologize to anyone that I ever said "I hate you." to or about. 
I'm using you as a general term and I'm not singling anyone out. I'm not referring to recent events or long-gone events in my life, but instead I'm referring to everything and everyone. I've reached a growing point in my life that I've realized that I have to be adult about things and stop being a teenager. I'm growing up and I love it. I'm not grown yet and I wasn't grown yesterday or the day before. However, I'm working on becoming the person I want to be for the rest of my life, and in my eyes that's beautiful. 
Here's to growing up and realizing that you can't win every battle. Here's to losing friends but keeping their footprints on your heart. Here's to forgiving and apologizing. and most of all... Here's to me becoming me. 

I'm sorry. I could never hate anyone ever again. 

Who are we to give someone another struggle?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

College Professors and Finals

I am currently working on tons of work for finals while also dealing with a lot of people problems. I'd just like to say that nobody is worth your grade. Don't leave your work to go hang out or to talk to your "honey."
They aren't worth it. I promise.
Think about it, oh what's that? Thinking? Yeah it's this new thing they started. Anyways, you are going to be in school for 4 years to pursue a career that's a lifetime. I don't think any person is worth risking my career and quality of life for.
I understand you love people and that's fine.

-study--study--study- I promise it's worth it.

I'd like to shout out to my college professor Bonnie Thrasher. She's a wonderful person and even though I have procrastinated beyond comprehension she is letting me turn in everything. Also, she sends me emails to check on me and make sure I'm getting stuff done. She's really wonderful. You will meet that one college professor who will always be there, and I'm pretty sure I met mine! Plus she's in my major department. Woo!
Anyways, I should be doing work right now.
back to BiSci Lab Reports.
peace :)