Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm really tired of everyone being so defensive.
Yes, I'm a homosexual.
No, I don't hate God.
Yes, I am a Christian.
No, I'm not gay by choice.
Yes, I am proud of the person I am.
No, I do not want your opinion on whether or not I should be gay, because "Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
Yes, I am a very nice person and I don't judge people from what others say, or how you look.
Love is Love.
Don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. I was searching for information on the new Gay-Straight Alliance at CHS and came across your blog. As a CHS alum, a fellow blogger, and a lover of all people living an authentic life, I'd like to applaud you for writing things like this. Good luck to you from the biggest Straight Ally in the fight for Gay Rights...
