Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Woman

So last night I went to the laundromat and did a bit of laundry. While there I noticed quite a few people  who remained static. I wondered; were they homeless? Well, turns out I left my bag somewhere along the path. I went to check there (to no avail) after work tonight and I saw the same woman. She was perfectly content just doing a crossword. Same fast food chain cup filled with an unidentified drink and in the same place as the previous night. Although the last time I saw her she was sleeping uncomfortably. Perhaps she just wears a lot of clothes and needs to wash them often, or maybe she is homeless. Maybe I will see this woman again. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

"F**k it, I'm young."

How much is the rush of misinterpreted social media "fame" worth? How much is that DUI worth? You can't justify irresponsibility with age. I can recall no time growing up that they told me, "between the ages of 18-25 you can do whatever you want... because you're young." Perhaps a warning was given, but not permission to jeopardize everything that you have worked towards. Every keystroke that you post on social media is there for the taking. Every scandalous photo you post is there for the blackmailing. People are cruel, and even more cruel are the institutions that dig for these hidden secrets. Would you employ a psychologist, or even train one, if you knew that they just had mountains of secrets stacked behind them? These things may seem so irrelevant now, but in the future be wary of your past. Think now with the future in mind.
All that you have is your future; all you have is forward. Do not put the brakes on now.